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What is Energetic Skin Clearing?

Energetic Skin Clearing assists in finding what may be the cause of any skin conditions or symptoms on your skin, regardless of whether the issue showed up recently or has been there for years.


The truth is our skin is a living organ made of living cells, and our cells all have the capability to hold emotions and traumas. Our skin is usually the first to show any signs or symptoms caused by external or internal factors, and it can affect the different layers: mind, body, and soul.


As we grow through our journey, we hold on to many emotions. These emotions lock into our subconscious level, causing them to manifest on to our skin as signs.


For example, in 2019, both my hands flared up with eczema. I never had eczema on my hands before this incident. I searched for all kinds of topical products to soothe my eczema and prevent it from spreading, but they didn't work. Instead, it kept spreading. Touching water without gloves on was painful every time. I felt like I was missing out on many things in life. For about a year, I kept searching and trying different products for my eczema, and just when I was about to accept that there was no way to get rid of eczema, I found a solution. I had forgotten that everything that manifests onto the skin connects to our emotions. So I took out my Emotion Code pendulum chart I made and started to dowse to find out what emotions were causing all the flare-ups. After a few sessions of Emotion Code clearing, eczema on my hands went away and never came back.


That's why I created this Energetic Skin Clearing so I can help more people clear the stuck emotions or trauma that keeps manifesting onto our skin or even into pain. 


Why Dowsing?

Dowsing comes with many benefits, especially when working on an energetic level. 

This method allows me to quickly get down to the cause of the problem because I can easily find the answer using the charts I have created for Energetic Skin Clearing.

How does it work?

Using various custom charts, I will connect with source energy to deeply analyze what may be the cause of the occurring issue. To start, I will first analyze the photo of whatever skin condition the client may be experiencing. Next, I will use the charts to find out what emotions are causing the blockage and manifesting the unwanted symptoms. This part of the reading usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes. After doing the reading, I will have 30-minute Zoom or Google Meets to discuss with the clients the findings and create a care plan to continue the healing. 

Step 1: Using the "Upload It" Button: Upload 3 -5 photos of your skin, makeup-free, one (1) full-face photo from the front view, and two (2) full-face side views.


Step 2: Click "Book Now": Select your date and time for your 30-minute call and fill out the Consultation Form.


Dowsing will take 30 to 60 minutes for a full analysis. 


After the analysis, we will meet on Zoom face to face for 30 minutes to discuss the findings from the dowsing and create a plan or routine to help clear any issues or conditions.

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